Faith Formation

prayerchainPrayer Chain

Margaret Syfret is the coordinator.

Contact.Margaret with prayer requests on 0401 528 898 or

Parish Meditation Group….  join us!

Meditation Group

Our Fortnightly Meditation Group meets on Zoom on Wednesdays at 7:30.   Enquiries can be directed to Michael Mosley at or on 0418544906

Michael convenes the group, which is based on the John Main Contemplative traditions of Christian meditation.


More Information

Please talk with Michael Mosley, if you have any questions.  He can be contacted via the Parish Office.

Experienced meditators, inexperienced meditators and those who have never meditated before, are invited to join the group. Even if you have never meditated before, you will be able to join in prayerful silence where we sit in the presence of the loving Spirit of God.

Home Groups

lectio divinaHome Groups meet fortnightly or monthly in the homes of parishioners for around two hours.  The foundation of the groups is the prayerful study of the Bible using Lectio Divina. 

What is Lectio Divina?

The group reads a passage from Scripture (usually a reading from the following week’s Lectionary), meditates on that reading and contemplates what God is calling each to do or be during the coming week and then the group prays together.

There is a social and pastoral component to the Home Group and individuals find that belonging to a Home Group is very supportive.

If you would be interested in joining a group, please speak with the Vicar for more information: Contact details


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